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and go up to the President who with even more flattering words handed me the precious roll tied wi with blue ribbon and the Marshalls put the hood over my head.. It is charming . such a grand blue. After that I did not have to waver more and could enjoy every minute.. Of course there was big applause 
But Goethals got the most as was hs due. 

I was taken in hand by two or three and a Mr Sargent and tried to find Etta No go and then went back to the Pres office when all were assembled for the luncheon . I was doubtful about this as no other woman had done it but was persuaded by the H's and all Mc Veagh was very polite and came up saying at last he was in my class. Talked with Vance and others.
Then to the Commons where I soon saw what I would have missed if I had not done it. Immense Hall filled wit tables for the Alumni. and long table in the Gallery at end looking down for US.  Pres Had in middle with Pres Dwight next him Goethals Then Sir Alf Eas and then ME. with Sargent on other side . My spirit were almost too much . but S seemed to enjoy it. and I had good talk with both. Speeches began soon. Old Pres D first and very touching.   Then Had with no filling brilliantly giving the record of gifts for the year $I00000.. and speaking amusingly of the sec Anson Stokes who was not there.
   Splendid spech by Goethals who was immensely cheered Panama canal of course. Then Dr Hume on Chi and Yale.   It was glorious.    Met Sawyer downstai trying to go home with me but Sargent would. Also ma came congratulating. Eyes eyes.   Sargent came home I had barely time to change to worldl dress when Woolsy Sawye and another came .
   Off soon to Byers Hall Big reception very funny standing by Mrs H. E and Ern there. also Geo S. Muvh fun and hardly time after to dress for Bennets din . Sat on Mr B's right and Etta on his left by Mr Hadley I had Whitney on other side.   Very sleepy after and glad to go. All looked at the the pics.
   What a day.