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Much mail.. Lovely note from J.W.

Sat June 22d.
   Hot and got up very early to get things done. Out to shop and eveved all up pretty well. leaving May in possession.  Off at ten in taxi to Limmited where Terence appeared shortly and we talked the whol[[e]] time politics.. T.R. and socialism. But it was good. Got late and missed the 3.15 out but Higginsons young F.L. and wf invited us to go on othere train and get off at Bev with them go to Tea and the[[y]] would send us over from Magnolia. We did and had a joll[[y]] time. [[V]]ery Bostonian.. the first tastethis summer. 
   Good run home and picked up T's traps at station also strawberries and peas.. Place looked lovely Natale had done much conscientious work.. It seemed too good to have Terence after it all.. Found S1 wa[[s]] out but got him and arranged to have him come to lunch also with Mrs A to have car and take T to my little[[e]] Idea of a place over bu the Lutkin school house.
  Went out for walk to point and the Davison house and some talk after.
Sunday June 23d.
Exquisite morning.. T and I break in East cloister very happy and more so when at nine we got off alone in the Andrews car and spun off in morning sunshine Took nearly and hour to get to the place.. and he appreciated it. Back only a little after eleven..
Taking photos and bath. Was not dressed when S1 came
Lunch out and very good. B certainly can. 
More photo taking and then over to S1's to see house Long progress through though I felt it was not just in T's style. After to Andrews where I sat with Mrs A n she read me from A'P'A's letters while the others went about. More photo taking and walk..
   Sup alone and looking at photos. Then more talk an[[d]] talk. Politics and general principals till II.I30 So stimulating.. Hate to have him go.  Sank into bed.