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Mon Jun 23th.
Perfect morning.. but Terence did not get up at seven as he proposed and I had to wait around for break which we had in east cloister.. Good time though and we talked till it was all the morning.. I had hurried lunch for him and he went off at I.45. Into space as usual. Will probably go to the Gilders. But it was a glorious visit. Poppi[[e]]s nearly over ..and one pink rose over lowere gate. I sank into rest. Get more tired every minute. It is so long since I let go. S1 came in in aft and brought horrid letter from Procter about cutting down his trees. They are chasing us at every turn. Unable to do a bit of writing or anything. Fine letter from Talcott Williams.
   S1 agai[[n]] in eve as I sat in upper loggia with moon. Talk and for short walk. Bed early.

Tues June 24th.

Lovely morning .. plae fog, but was wakeded and kept awake by motor boats in the harbor.. also insistant young crows.. Had break in upper Loggia for the first time this year but the grass is so bad there is no great pleasure in being there Got Natale at the studio which had not been touched adn he set at it with his best thoroughness intending to spend the day at it which he did. I found myself unable to DO Anything Reaction too great.. only able to srite a few notes and could not get at my letter to J.W. which I had been looking forward to. Mrs Andrew came to lunc very good out doors and she ve[[ry]] sweet Showed my trophies. A coming for over the 4th.
   Col Brooks called up to ask me to frive. accepted and got at my rest as soona s I could. Could hardly get up but got off in buggy with good horse and it was pleasant .. Could not do anythin when I got back eithere. .. sup alone and was gettin[[g]] at this later when S1 came for a little while. bringing Life of Sir Joseph Banks ."..  To bed early. Still sleeping in Guest room.