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Wed June 25th.
Exquisite mornings these. Natale actually at cleaning studio and I washing green bugs off things. also writing much actually got waiting things. Fine Letter from Arthur Hoeber.
Expecting little R who came at five after I had had good resB.  Dear to have her and the place at l last can be shown. Fun telling her all and showing the hood and other trophies. We walked down to D afte sup Terrible Moskites. and then sat in my upper loggia waiting for the moon where there were NONE. Cigarettes and soon Sl who came up and we sat long enjoying the marvelous moon there Perfect summer night.
Thurs June 26th.
R and I had break in east C. Lovely .. and she helpe me after washing bugs ..Had to leave soon going to W Mts. Called up Petersons and got them to come to lunch on Sunday. Spent all morning poisoning . Natalie doing the road and hedge. very well.
Mrs A took me to see the baby in auto at four. and I took two of my best peonies to Mrs. P. Baby a worthy scion. Tour with the little girls after. Sl called up and wanted me to go there to din with him. Changed and did. Exquisite and I saw Mrs S. a white marvel of brightness in a queer dark room. We ate by the table overlooking the water with wondrous wite peonies between me and it.
Then in to see Mrs. A .. and had Victor .. Some of the best old things full of memories. Sl and I back in moonlight and he came in and I read Tennyson aloud Both in the mood and it was divine.