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Mon July Ist. Beautiful too beautiful day .. but we need more ra[[in?]] Break in east Cloister. Rhodo actually coming out an[[d?]] Spanish Iris in front bed really beautiful. Got at desk and did a lot . really clearing out a good deal. Bathed but it was freezing. Natale cutting out by path to beach. Went down there myself after break and gathered sea moss which B made into a form which I took to Mrs Sleeper in eve. Sat out and read the news for a long time after din Bryan is interesting anyway .. Then rest and wrote m[[o?]]re. A big armored cruiser has come in for the 4th. Crept in in absolute silence . I looked up and it was there. Got dressed and went to call on Mrs. Greno[[Greenough?]] Of course she was out. Set to copying Balthazars Tale for J.W. and got quite alive over it. Met the A's on the road after sup and walked with them . No Sl and could only read the news . Very dull Tues July 2d. Still fine weather if it can be called that.. Break in east c. and called up Miss Ireland to get them and Mrs Staigg to come to lunch. Yes .. Spent most of morn at desk and typewriter. Natale cutting Went down to bathe and met Mrs. Greenough . Quite a talk and SHE would sell me the strip of land. if Mr will consemt. Terribly cold water and only a plunge . Found enough sea moss to make dessert for [[1?]] Men came to see about trees planting [strikethrough]([/strikethrough] Cedar sticks on mount Rest first. The three dear ladies to lunch A joy to have them and they enjoyed it. Afterwards I remembered we had not spoken of the dear ones. and I was sorry. Another time we will. H.Greene called up at sup and asked if he could come for over the 4th . Mr Brooks came as I was getting up . Quite a call and looking at battle ship the "Kansas". Mrs A called up after sup to tell me that Wilson was nominated..... and asked me to motor with them . Went and stopped to see A Blake at Mer[[r?]]ill Hall Out . Nice go with the A's talking politics with Mr A. a full Conservative. To bed