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 Lots of instances of Mc V. smallness. 
We went out on upper terrace after and to the studi[[o]] He to teleph[[o]]ne to hear ststement by Mc Veagh Asst press. .. All of us pretty well spent . I got Mrs G to bed and my self as soon as poss. Slept very badly in May's room.
  H.G had P and W to station. I sent tel to Mrs Smith.
Fri July 5th.
  Dear Aunt Emily's birthday and how many she spent here. Uncle Will never forgot it. 
  Harry Greene got off at 7.30 and Mrs G had break on upper west piazza.   Came down looking better and full of her old spirit. We were going around and were by the wood pool when A.P.A shouted fr the road came around by path saying what was that Melba call "In the Wood." Hr was particularly nice . Took her off and she left from there.
   Got things ready for Mrs Smith in studio and she came early brave but very wheezy .. had not slept and I fear. but we began and I found delightful arrangements in white very soon. with Mamma's blue scarf. A strange pleasure to use it.
We got it so soon that there was no need of further worry and she got off at twelve.
   Did not see anymore of A but Sl came in at five to arrange about his guests and broke the news thaB there were three women instead of one. Of course this might have been guessed easily before by a more s uspicious person than I am.
   Wanted me to have allsorts of extreme things like two tables . dinner out in loggia but I sat on this at once . pleading mosquitoes. 
  Tried to influence him to not make such a frantic rush for effective crowding of places visited, and he pretended to acquiesce.
   Said he would come in again in eve but did not . I took walk and went to bed early.