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Wed July I0th.

A really terrible day.. I became quite demorolized wandered around lying down and getting up and terribly depressed. Managed to finish and put up green curtain .. and tried taking bathafter break to get good tide but did not long for it though the water was exquisite. Could not help anxiety abou the three dear boys in Phila. Late in the aft Mr Hall came ove[[r]] to ask me to go out with them in the auto. This was a great relief and pleasant to be with them . It was cool doing this of course.
 After sup and May and I trying to find a place to be possible from the mosks I went down to the studi[[o?]] and actually tried the piano feeling helplessly about and so longing to do it. May came down and my dreanings had to cease.. She WILL follow me about and I cant do anything.   I stopped and went out on the pier and soon saw a white trousered person go into the Halls and ring . Thought it was A.P.A.but it soon emerged with out waiting for the Halls to ans and I heard my name called.   It was Sl .. We both r rejoiced and the strain was over. I cannot remember long and his misdemeanors were not serious.
We wandered till I got chilly.and of course I heard a few more details about A.P.A. I called them up at supper time to speak to Mrs A. he ans ..pleasant but I dont know what they are all thingking..
I shall do no more now.. Chas Grafly called up to say he cannot come to lunch but tells me he is expecting Joe Pennell. That will be amising.
  A pleasant young plasterer has been at work today on the round window . and much deverted by my costumes tho striving to conceal it.