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July IIth. Thurs.
  Cooler and toward noon great thunderstorm .. We were in the midst and terrific claps . Nothing struck just here. I had come to life before and done some much needed garden work . tying up etc before.
  There was no wind to speak of and sheets of rain three or four separate showers. I still hoped for Leila Mechlin for lunch but she did not come ..
Telephone is down . Rest and reading Christophe but not much int.. Saw A going to call at the Halls. Sl in town. More and more rain what a blessing. .. Note fr A Lud and a good letter fr J.W. .. Is coming for the 28th. I wrote to him in afB and the postman tokk mine when leaving his.
  Tried to walk after sup alone but too muggy and came back to lie on rug till bed time.
  J.W. does not take the view of A.P.A that we do. and I fear that this means that such business men as he feel the same way . O I hope it was not a mistake.
I fear he felt too sure of himself.. He has brought down all before himtill now. I wrote and invited Lee McClung to come here to visit. It is funny to remember how A scorned him before.

Fri July I2th.

  Overcast and cool. I felt quite nifty and did a lot of vine work all the weeding of the lower garden bed. While I was finishing just before din Sl appeared with two notes to read one fr Miss Hitchcock and one fr Waldo both very flattering. They are now longing to have McClung's letter published and I told him I had written to MC C asking him to come up. Deep but broken rest after lunch by plasterer outsid of my window but the round windo[[w]] is now finished all but the iron bars.
  D. came at 4.30 while I was on the upper ter[[r]]ace with my feet in the pooo which had just been filled and looked deliciously pure.. Perfe ct aft sun and too lovely on the upper terrace.
  Jolly to have D come and we were still up there when Leila Mechlin was announced. So glad to see her Anna brought tea and when May and D went off we had