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[[Partially centered]] Tues MAY 29th.
Up very early and out to get curtain for the pic. Found a g good piece of dark green. and got it arranged before the K's came. .. Mr K always approving. Finishing Drake. Did a lot a over.  .. Good rest and pretty late out to go to Freunds. Was beguiled by Helen Bettle in the Perk and she walked up with me. Spent a long time at F's and got a borrowed gilt glass to put in the corner of Mrs Kremer. also another chair and candlestick for the table at G.A. Back lat and went in to G's .. Where I found [[underlined]] Terence [[underlined]] shut in the library with D. Tableaux. He had just got there and I flew off as he was going to dine. He came at eight .. after I spose taken D to the Theatre. It was showery but went twice to the Park and finally settled down in a sequestered place where we could see the moon and the big tree. and not too much light.  Lovely time the a torch light procession of women and girls singing a hymn and carrying lighted candles perambulated. Stayed till I0.30 Shall see again soon. A blue book of Tom's latest stories came today and without name or sign. Might be Anne .but not her usual way or Tom but he always inscribes. or J.W. wish I knew am now reading Spanish gold his other gift .. too funny.
[[Centered]] Thursday May 30th. Decoration Day
Warm and muggy . and very dark storm in early aft. Mrs Kremer for last time . Mr K came and was pleased. I had very restless night and felt as if the pics were nothing and ashamed of having invited people to see tham. Up very early and fussing at Mrs K. Long morning and kept on in aft after talk with the Janitor about the window. It cant be heightened as I hoped. Rest and had tea out on fire escape.. No sign of Terence...D came in for a while did not mention I there to din The girls gone to see the baby. H and I alone and she looking very pale and tragic but so beautiful poor dear She goes to T to morrow .. Aunt Julia. and the girld later. I left early and called up Tom to find out if he sent the book . No.Much writing done. Cool. Bed early. No sign from J.W. nor Dunn Feel deserted.