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Sunday July I4th.
Overcast and some rain very nice. We were sitting ar around I upstairs when Sl and A.P.A. came ' To our t telephone.. Very jolly . A spent a long time in ou pantry scolding the manager. and examining my arr- angements .. so funny.
After flaneing a while in the living room I took him up to see the new room and othere things..
Appreciative as ever. and observing everything. He going to the Storrows. Sl came after bringing books an attention to Do. amusing visit after.
We bathed ..and the rest of the day was rather bor ing for D. We only slept and fooled about . Went to the Halls but they were gone. Sl came in eve and we all revived old tales and experiences.
What would we dod without him.
Monday July 15. St Swithin's day.
Lovely day . I break out in upper terrace.
After stretching canvas for a pic in the living room D. to pose did not get father than the prelim inaries.  Bathed and in aft late took carriage a abd went down to call on E Sparhawk Jones and Mrs. Locke . The L's out and we found E.S Js moth er a frail interesting woman . E ill with used up heart . What a shame it is that the gifted ones should give out first.
Were joined by Sl at gate returning. and went in there for a while . Went in to Halls to enquire for the cat . Very tragic and Mrs H wants me to have the collection of cats in my jungle trapped and chloroformed . A terrible undertaking.for me.
Sl came in again in eve. He goes to MarBha's Vineyard tomorow.