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Fri July I9th.
  Not so warm but D posed ..I am very stupid about this. Was at telephone in aft in very undress when A.P.A. appeared with great roll of tapestry to ask m me to hang it in the studio..I at once acquiesced and arranged for it to go over the big one at end the only place. He spoke of sending telegram to Mc Clung and I begged him to and we composed it.
  "Sit tight and we will win out" Great discussion and we decided that I should go to G and send it in t their carx. I rushed to dress and then to the car which I found aBytheir door.  Off alone to G and funny time sending it.  Was suspected of an elopeme[[nt?]] I know . Had hardly got bck when he and Sl appeared had expected to go with me . Great talk in studio and I told him about the invitation to paint Sereno E Paine.  He delighted with this.
Leila Mechlin and cos came to tea..
Sat July 20th.
Dark and threatening and D did not pose.
  [[begin vertical pencil line in left margin]] I do not crave to work at all and feel very depleted and as if I had nothing to give. [[end vertical pencil line]]
  Late in aft we went down to the Davisons and saw their garden . Only Miss D and some cousins. [[begin vertical pencil line in left margin]] Met Mrs Greenough coming back and she spoke again of my doing Mr G in exchange for theland . It comes DEAR to have to do him. [[end vertical pencil line]]
Called up the Halls and found out deveral things.
That they are to lunch with Sl tomorrow.