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Portsmoth July 23d. Tues.
Nice to wake up in white and blue room and to go to sleep again. Hardly ready at 8.30 breakfast ho
Temp an son not down .. lovely morning .. and such good break. real cream. T has the real idea of rest at least for his guests. After sitting about we went out in the launch throgh yeasty waves rushing .. I hate dit tho we saw interesting things. Two big battle ships etc. .. and Tarbells studio
  More chatting when we got back in the garden and then a short call on his mother a distinguished ole lady. We had to hurry through lunch and off in the car .. to Salen together and then we parted and D an[[d]] I did some rather weary sightseeing witches house etc. .. Very weary in train and glad of drive home
Lette[[r]]s. A good one fr Etta enclosing a sad little note from Uncle Jose. to her.
  Very tired in eve and nothing happened. Sl in Nar[[r]]agansett. .. No sign of A. T does not thingk we of the affair .. for A.
Wed July 24th.
Exquisite day and I breaked with the girls as it was D's last morning here. Mr Garland came and they put up small balcony cnarming.. but made a turgid morning... It was nice to get D off with the Halls. in their auto. trunk and all.
Had little rest and called up A to see if he remembered his engagement with me. for the mouth. Yes and he came at 2.I5 before I was quite ready.
Had had good reports from Mc Clung and much to tell. How good to have him so communicative.
Lay on sofa and made himself at home.
Was pleased to hear about the letter fr Dalzell about my doing Senator Paine. and wants me to have him here. Was called off by Hammond absurd proposals. came back and I did more. but he had to go away as Miss R Horner came. Pleasant visit fr her Most agreeable and some talk of old times but not much.
  sup out and sitting in moonlight but not ve[[r]]y brillant.