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Thurs Sept I9th.
Most lovely day of all. But slept badly and late na 
Break in bed but up at once and about chores. Chanc [[?]]to run about in the morning and lookat everything.
Natale cutting up tree. Walked out on pier. Marvellous lifting fig and supreme beauty of harbor. Italian ship going out. Sereno did not come till I2 and I rubbed bookcase and Natale put it up. Moved book and it is charming. Sereno at last. Extraordingary head large and imposing but what a queer frame like a duck. Very genial bu alas deaf. Looked so like my father thtati was startling. Too late to do more than take him down to the studio and show aroun[[?]] some. Ar anged to have him return at .2.30.
Perfect bath after.. and felt quite fit when he came. Got at it at once and made pretty good drawing He very much surprised. Had reproved Driving boy for calling me "Cecilia Beaux"..Felt I had made a very good start. Not too good to be bad to go on I hope. Mrs Locke came and nice visit showing plans of her new house. Showed Mrs R and beginning of Hon. Payne. Told hi of A.P.A. He had heard of cou and "would like to see him". Rode down a way with M L. and walked back. After din reading paper and expecting Sl. No appearance. Cant hel wondering.
Fri Sept 20th.
Got to work and finished up drawing and began fore head and backgr und. He much astonished. and intensely interested. While I was resting A.P.A. came and I ose up of course and talked on stairs. and he down to st with me to see pic. Much disturbed that I did not get him to take photo of drawing. Delighted with start and is coming to lunch on Monday.
After he left got out to make calls and was summoned back fr Raymonds. Mrs R Chapin and Mrs Fenno.
Tea in living room and looking at things in st. Gloomy dark day an all looked badly.
Fussy teling with Miss Sink about g ing to lunch with Mrs Hooper. on Sunday.
In eve Sl for not a very long visit. Walked a little but he was in hast eto go to R.R. for impbiz.