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Oct 2d Wed.
Still no news fr Wynnewood. Woke very wor ied about evergreens and got up betimes. Old man there digging early. N very active and we got on fast Boy also fr Deane and none too much. I kethim all day. Tress all got in and look well tho not enough. Through befor noon and K. Hart came at I2.30 Glorious tall blonde. and so nice. E very happy with her. After my rest I took them to Sl's to see Mrs S and the house. I short v sit with her very cheerful and t ok them all over. Miss Sink came in and Mrs A also. while we were thern.. As we came home A was going off i his auto and asked us to go with hi[[?]] No after sup I called him up to invite and out. Later Mrs A and I had short talk and she told me he was at the Taft. Boardmand contingent at Bev. Very glad of this. The girls spent the eve in the st I on rug by parlor fire.
Thurs Oct 3'd
Another lovely day. Got at the posing pretty earl[[?]] and gave up after a long struggle the out door flying scheme..An accident was the final tho of cour[[?]] it was recognotion. E sat down wrapt in the curtain on low chair. Wondefful and I at once was fired with it. Had no canvas wide enough ans had to stop, and wait. After lunch teled to Hatfield for it.
The girls went for walk and I to rest and read. Was just waking up when heard A.P.A.'s voice downstairs Called over bannister and he had box with some rhing Turned out to be a turtle tiny he had found.. on tennis court. We went to ter ace and fixed up a place for[[?]] it. N came to say a young lady wanted Mr A. I fled as I was in dressing gown. Pollard. and he had to go off to game. Girls came in soon. and after tea we found the turtle was gone. Could not be found[[?]] Gorls went in eve to the Pollards, Officers fr Dolphin Came home in gale of fun. Glad they had a little.