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Fri Oct 11th.
Soft lovely moist day. Got all the ordering done fo over Sunday and the meals all arranged.
Nettie sat all morning with us in st sewing and listening to Miss K read Far from the madding Crowd.  Finished second hand and tomorrow will stave away at last on head.  Amm expecting J.Wilkie some time in the dau.  Was sitting by fire in l.r just before lunch when E who had run out came in with A.P.A He was in delicious mood and stayed nearly two hours while we sat thereeating by fire in l.r. We were gay and I think it probably tossed him over some time .
I don't know just where things stand any more than yest but we have had him near anyway . The Halls asked us to go to Miss D's with them at 4.30 and we we did A said maybe he would but did not. Very jolly Harrisons and a cous of Miww H miniatures.
I was prone in wrap when I got home when mail and great surprise and joy Letter fr little Fran ..
She and Jack are engaged..... It is splendid only it is one more gone.  I longed to tell A byt E thought I oughtnt to .But I heard his voice down sta and he was there with Shaker for cocktails. ..I in wrap on atairs. and he up to writing room to see F's lettr I had to tell him I fered it w uld be down for him losing J but he semed happy in it . Tel fr Jack here and we all in pantry.much fun. E and I alone eve. I assleep on rug while she read
Miss Sink came in with W Longfellow.