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  Aug 13th. Tues . No John and I worked in liv room on the D picture . Awful struggle. and not getting far . Was finishing when Mr TaggarB artist calle[[d]] could not see but a minute but arr for another time.
  Was in fearful mess when Sl and friend Alex Carver a arrived Sl wanting him to bathe with me.
  Very pleasing fellow I remember his parents of cours[[e]] He acting as if I was a girl . I got into nifty b suit and we sported in good water. and also sat a while. Tita C to lunch so I made ex to leave.
  Nothing much the rest.
Wed Aug 14th.
  Gloucester Day but I feared I should not get off no invite coming fr Andrews as I hoped. Had John zand Alex Carver came to bathe .. Looked stormy but hydro 7lane flew from Marble head. like a gret June bug. Called up Sl and he and I and Carver we went in wagon . Quite jolly. all sorts of shows
  A.P.A there with his neices and father Kept , meting. Back at six and dressed for Halls dinner The Oakes Ames he brother . Queer but intelligent silent man . Much fun though and music after . Much talk about my tune and arranging to finishit with Densmore. A lso wants verses writ long ago . "Peacock and Dove. " Delightful eve and they came over to see he terrace going out b way of front. Mr Ames said some of the bushes were ilex.
Thurs Aug I5th.
  John .. in aft Mr Taggart and were having nice talk in studio when Mr and Mrs Yates with Mr Berckhead .. So delighted to see him . Up to terrace house and goo[[d]] pleasant converse with them making Mr B promise to come for a night. Later rest and getting ready to dine with Amory Elliots. Off in new evening dress with Sl and A.P.A in his car . Foggy but fun going .. Halls there too and Densmore . Mr C Cabot . pleasant house and most attentive host by whom I sat A by hostess. opposite . long but good din and after suff talk witht the women. Then music room and Densmore playing . Halls telling of my son and poem Sl disdainfuful and unbelieveing.A smiling. Densmore played till