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Fri AUg 16th. & Sat Aug 17th
Working on John all these days so anxious to fini [[finish]]
At four ready for Dens who came bringing song and we worked fo an hour .. he a little diff and did not quite understand. Gave him the two verses. Peacock and dove. Birckhead came and I coMld [[could]] not see at first. .. Too nice to have him, and turned out to be momentous. for on ou way back from walk all through Raymonds woods and as we were talking of A.P.A and I was trying to explain the great contention he asked me what I would choose for him now and I said I would like to see him President of one of the big colleges. He paused and said "They are looking for a P for Johns Hopkins How would A do.?" I shouted of course and then it all began. A came to din and I was not up to par but he appreciated and enjoyed B and all went wel [[well]]
Afterwards B and I thrashed the matter out .. and ran all around the place in the dark looking into houses and trying to find Sl who had vanished. 
Finally penetrated to his house and got hold of Jake who was not polite but took a note from me asking Sl to come in first thing in the morning.
A was crazy for B to stay to lunch on Sst.. I met Sl on road and we concocted scheme. he and B in auto hired by me to see important man at B Rocks. teled to me to tell A and I went in there and insisted on seeing him Staggered at first and tried to make light. Got it fixe finally and he and B had it out down in the studio. He wants it adn has got the idea the main thing. But will he GO for it...... He lingered behind and I had a few good words at gate. earnest ad understanding of my part "Maple tree and my poem about the Ice storm. 
B. left and I to lunch at A's and sat next H P. Warnes and wf (actor) charming. A very sweet Phil came in aft .. C and K and Sl in eve telling stories .. What a day.
Of course I had n[[underscore]]o[[/underscore]] Greenoughs and Miss Ireland came remembering what day tomorrow is and bringing purple asters.