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Wed Aug 21st.
Mr T and Gladys getting break and making coffee for me . Break on verandah . Mrs T appeared . Fery radiating oldish delicate woman who sleeps in tent in the woods. They all disappear at night like wild things. Much talk and soon A T and I off to walk. Had to turn back from the way weregoing to high place because joined by two women so we trailed through swamps not seeing out much and all the time talking He saying wonderful things and of course aggreeing m most of the time. Not back till dinner time and I very tired and glad to spend the afternoon on b bed in my room which was very comf and wher I slept that night. Lots more talk i the eve. and being shown birds butterflies and bed very early.
Tried to get the Greens.
Thurs Aug 22d.
Slept in bed in room very comf and well . but tired
After b more talk and looking at things. and when A and I were going to Greenes Belle Sudden called up and came for me in buggy . Very glad hardly able to walk. Up tho the old place . so full of memories. I could almost feel as I did then.
Rosalind met us and we went to there little plant of ready made houses . Met Mrs Greene in carriage on road . with little F in fronlooking pretty Mrs G a smiling blank of unrecognition . What a humiliation for her proud spirit if she could once have known R and children magnificent never saw such H away. 
To see Mrs Smith for a moment very feble How different from the time I went there first Joe and Cor away.
Not sor y. Gladys showed me her things before din int but only a reflection of he father. But the think she has GREATER talent . Absurd, After she showed me his . He would not . Great as ever What a man.
Was dressing when Har y G came Nice visit and then we all to neighbors house Van Loon Dutch music full o of talent violin Dr Richards there and Mrs Henderson They had promised that no shoud be there.
Back late to sup and Gelald besought that I should g up to see Alma his tyoung wf in bed after miscarriage 
Beautiful head A.[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] B. 's model. After reading and