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Fri . Aug 29th.
Very hard to be interupted. in this pic too.
They sent worb in morn Mrs R was ill Would have to go home and later Miss K came down and we talked it over.  . I took to the book case when she had gone an Etta helped me and we did some fine rubbing . Got off all I wanted and Natale then put it up in fine style Gathered books from all over and it is a comfort. and looks charming in the room.
Prepared for Sinkler tea. and before they arrived came Mr Pape and Miss Hoyle from the Hammonds and LEE M'CLUNG . Long anticitated event . Delighted to see hi and momentous hours.  Very Jolly as he knew Leila Mc hlin . who came also . A Blake too.  Miss Sink and Mrs Stevens looking very coy and offish bothof t them . S has grievance I think.
All jolly but pretty tired when all over. Rushed over to tell A and found him just going out . and wanting me to jump in to the auto to meet his friend at station Would not of course.  Arr to come o Sunday to meet M'C.    Cal[[strikethrough]]led up a[[/strikethrough]]nd went [[strikethrough]]in to s[[/strikethrough]]ee S [[strikethrough]]l sick in h[[/strikethrough]]isQuiet eve with Etta and. May.
Sat Aug 31st.
Getting L Mc C changed over to Sunday night.
Etta off with Rotans.  and for while with me on upper loggia . I trying to paint the big red lily but not much success though I worked all morn.
It is well to try however.
    Rest and in aft E and I walked through Raymonds woods . no down to the Beechcroft and I remembered tha it is the anniversary of dear Aunt E's leaving us.
In eve called up Sl and found him sick in bed with cold .. also Mrs A. and .. Went in first and had nice little visit beside him . Then to R.R. Mrs A alone and anxious . feeling something in the wind . Had to be very careful.