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Tues Sept 3d.
All of us up early and dear E got off at 7.45.
Cecil to meet her at station. and see off.
Fog and rain so T.O. and I had to give up trip.. but cleared off beautifully after. I could only paint bookcase. .. which I finished ready for rubbing off.
Then to my long neglected desk bills etc . Dear E c uld have no idea that I did not keep up during her visit . and I am sure thought I kept straight on my w way. .. I only feel that I did not do half enought for her. She had gone to her K.
Was working hard at bills when voices at gate.. A.A. and his voice calling up . He had the Warners.. wanting to show. the place Went down and charming W was d delighted also little common wf who thought I ought to be delighted with her app. A.A particularly dear . in small ways. They to tennis and after lunch I made a little bouquet of the new red vine and two little white roses for Ste Marie . whose day I had forgotte and took in . They were bathing and I saw no one . only put it in little cup before her.
Rest and to walk with T.O. to Mrs Harringtons and Sp. Jones . who were out. Met Anne and on way back passed twice by A.A. in auto flying and shouting and waving to me. At gate met Mr Hall who saif he was alone and I invited to sup . He came in bringing his book plate very int and we had much good talk.
Wed Sept 4th.
Foggy but seemed clearing so T.O.and I decided to go on our picnic to the Hut. B put up lunch and we got of at I0.30 . Wonderful day perfect weather.. Stopped to get money and fruit in G. and IIcar to Essex. Took about half hour but nearly I[[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]]one and three quarters whole trip. Found it looking as fascinating as ever and we wandered and lay about basking T.O. thoroughly app. of it all and I showing plan of hut. Stayed till four and got home after wait in G very tiresome . Found Mrs A and Mrs Patch and th two little girls here and made stay longer though Anna whispered that Miss Mechlin had phoned to say she wanted to bring Mr Barnes to dine . Consternation but B was well prepared and though I was [["Sun Aug" was typed upside down over "I was"]] tired I lay down f