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Sept 8th. Sat. Cloudy and warm but clearing later. In bed even though it is Thornton's last day. C arrived early f[[or]] the day .Dont like his looks.0.... He bagan a study down by the corner of studio. Mrs R and Miss K. Did not feel very fit . Tooo much yest but got ahead some. A rattle on knocker proved to be A.A. wanting me to lunch Alice Longworth and the Guy Normans coming . wanted early and also for me to have Jack to sup as he was going away fo din. Did not like at all but had to . Later teled later lunch and asking T.O. Had short rest and over at 1.30 with T.O. who hated it. Guests not there & ratyer uncertain . I was sorry I had acc. Two womed not much later and A.L. was better than I thought but did not like party Left very soon after. Sl not back yet . Sat an hour with C . and then we four in carr to Leila Mechlin T leaving his bag at Fariview. C going on Rather fun going. but terribly tired at Tea . G Clem and N Hale . .. Had some good talk of Matisse and the cube idiots. Jaw would hardly work . A.Blake walked back and T.O. Found heaps of women had been here and "wild over everything "per Anna. So glad I was out. Restless rest and expecting Jack but did not ewait . He came late and so glad to see. Kissed me. Told o[[f]] Gilder doing . D in New York with speaking part in play with Margeret Anglin.. Good . Cold coming on Sun Sept 9th. Marvellous day . Cood coming on and went for walk alone to Point Sat for a while on steps by Lighthouse and watched schooner coming in. Came back to rush aroun[[d]] restless and mis with cold. Everyone is having them. Tried a rest after din and had a little . Then getting ready for comps. .. Sent note to Mrs Gardner who lunched at R.R and at four she came with a Mr Wgitamo[[?]] Then Miss Sink and sister . and John Ingham . Very gla[[d]] to see him but no good chance . Soon T.O. and Lucy Conant . Then Mr Brooke and Tita All in living room and ta le with tea etc. Then Old artist weyl and two women and a Mr Boardman . Too many and evry hrd to manage . Later Mrs Nicholls and friend Miss Tit como. Very down when over bu walked oart way with