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Sun NOv 3d
Very cold...Hard to keep warm. In order to finis[[h]] as soon as poss with E worked hard all morn. and late
Sent invite to R.R for sup but other guests.
Nothing all day till five when I was resting in l room when Sl and Clark came in E at Pollerds and do[[n't]] know who else. there Charming interlude to all this hard time with the two. sitting by fire on floor. Into Winter quarters with sofa. Very cosy.
E came and we divided. Sl and I whispering on one side they the other.
Did not g till seven. Sl came in again soon after sup and later Clark again. Called up R.R. and asked to bring guests over but it was too late.
E went over for a moment with C;ark. Nice boy.
Mrs A off at Patches all day and no sign. Lovely visit from dear Halls so cheering.
Mon Nov 4th. Mrs H played while I pai[[nted ?]] Not quite so cold. Natale doing many useful things on plac and we will not be so pressed this time getting off. Got to hand on right but did no do well The only tug. Elise reading.
Got note to errill Clement. Plan to have him here Fri if possible. She leaving Sat morn.
In aft she running with little Pollard girl. I worked again till nearly four. Then rest.
Was in l room when Sl came by fire nice cosy time with E and me heard that A was at Meyers at lunch. Thought he would come over in eve but no. sign.
Slept while E read and later sat up and gotmuch writing done downstairs.
Bed very late and not good sleep. Don't l ke to keep record of these dys but must.