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Wed Nov 6th
Working of course and getting on. Elise reading Tes[[s]] of D'Urberville's. Rather a relief after too much Egoist. Feeling cheerful afte last eve. Nice weather too. Natale getting things done. Had to stop earlty fro Sleeper lunch and was very cross though wanting to go. Struggle getting ready
Everyone there when I got there. Warm ehough to eat in the loggia. A Mrs Davis Miss Appleton put by A. and Sl myself and a Dr Smith interesting man I had met once at Mrs Gardners. (wild animals and Africa) at small table by ourselves. Very jolly..
All came over with me to see this place but it looked horrid and put away.
I at once to sofa where I sBayed the rest of aft. till time to dress for Sl's supper party.
TWO in one day. E and I this time. Mrs Gardner and the two nice boys. Clark and Doyle. Eat in the old English room. charming with medaeval food. and drink
I between Sl and Doyle and A by Mrs G. T was ridiculously young. playing with boys. By fire later told stories. A came in late after Seeing Mrs G to stati[[on]] and we left soon all walking home with us.
Thurs Nov 7th.
Another mild day. Bless them. Work of cours and no[[t]] only all long morn bu went down again after lunch and did not stop till after four. short rest and went alone to walk. As I passed R.R coming home A rolled up to gate in auto. and we stood a good while examinging his new garage and then a good deal of talk about all kinds of things. More than for a long time. Sl came in after tea and aging in eve for sone time sitting by fire. The room now in winter quarters and very cosy with the sofa in front of fire. A had been at Meyers playing golf all day. Only a few moments alone with Sl.