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[[centered]] Friday Dec 20th.
Lovely mornin. Box fr Boston and a perfect wonder present fr Sl. Such a box .. and the can a COMFORT. I wrote a while and had int with L Mechlin and arranging fr Sunday. Also Mrs Guen in.. Wnt ou and did lots of book shopping at Putnnams and Brentanos. Back at I.30 and goo long rest afterlunch reading etc. Then more doing uo ant out foing to G's and seeing D and F H not so well Took roses which wers neglected by D and finally got to H by Nora. Dallas came and R first Nice litle talk. Met T domn stairs Had been here. Din with Mrs Glenny and came after to see me yt D came after and stayed long time. Had letter fr S Farland and have t_Id him I will take the Land O my lovely cedars....

[[centered]] Sat Dec 21st.
Heard fr M'Clung that he could no come also thro Leila that Barnes also was out of town. S e will come alone. Oot of course for more shoppin Also getteing off things. No sign of Terence. He is always there and th girls are worried. and dont like the way things going. H a ways better thank God.

[[centered]] Sun Dec 22d.
Spent the morn doing things up .and writing. Out for short walk with Ros before lunch and re st and was called by J.W wanting me to dine with him Told about Leila and he invited us both. Came Leila at 6.30 and we had nice little talk before he came Much fun Went to old Brevoort. Good dinner and saw L off in subway. Then he back with me and sat talkin till late. Very nice.