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Bethlehim Christmas. I9I2.
Great fun in morn over stockings and H.Sr's telephoning. All over E's room . Break and then more presents. Down to meet Gwyn and then walk with E on mo[[u]]ntain.
Din at two and rest . Another walk with E ane Ern on lovely mointain . E and K played a little after din . 
G eat talk with H.S. D and Cecil and whole fam after su on forestry and the P Canal.

Thurs Dec 27th.
Sitting in lib with E and the girls. Much talk. Walk on moint fo a little with E. and after lunch to station . Jim Ern and I .J to Phil and I had to wait hour a and half.. for train . Awful .  But the rest of the trip was not so bad. good nap and less terrible in Hudson
Met Fran and J an on corner and went to 24 to din .
Much mail and a lovely pin fr J.W and other things. rewt and in to Guerins singings party Carols. Met J.W. going in . Very very . rather nice time . nd he c[[ame]] home with but not in.
Fri. Dec 28th.

Much fussing about and also wrote on my aticle.  Not feeling very well . Mrs A leaves E.P. today.
In eve to Mrs Guerin.s and nice little din . Miss Frothin ham an d we went to "Fanny's first Play" Awfully funny but iritating as B.S meantit to be. 
Fine evening and wothwhile.
Sat Dec 2[[9]]th.
More shopping and thanking and ranging up . 
Not satisfactory these days.  Restcand writing article. Gwyn came at seven and we had din down stairs and then to WinterGarden . Snot not so good as last year but he seemed to enjoy it.  Came in and smoked and talke late.