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Sat Nov 23d.
Lovely mornin and felt pretty good.
Looking at pics with the B's and at Io Mrs Grey to ta take me to Cambridge . Templeman had called up to ask too. and meet there. Lovely run out and t to the Vaughan wher I saw the portrait and was proud of it tho too many things in it.
Mrs V did not know by I hope I cane get it for Corcoran.  The to the Howes about varnishing
Kath and Mrs very recollecting of old time . 
All Cam made me homesick.
Templeman just in the tme and lovely run  Showedme all over the Lampoon new bu[[i]]lding and then to Art Mus to see the new Gainsborough. Did not think much of i Very much retouched . Why dod not experts see this..  Back to Blakes at I2.30 and picked up Anna and bags . Nice tel with Mrs Hall who called up.  Mrs Watson had called up the night before to ask to met me at station and she came with small dog under arm and pansies and mighnonette. T ther wi of c[[o]]urse. Quite jolly.  Mabel Holden on train . Widow and I did not know . Long talk . T[[o]]ld me of th sudden death of Ethen Burnham.  Trip was not bad. Harvard game going on at New haven and 20 to 0. Two little Gilder girls at station and all down in taxi May at the ap which was clean but looked very dreary. Went in to G's to didn So welcoming and a comfort to be with them again.
Much mail. Anna doing wonders and got to bed very much better than I deserve. Lovely pink roses fr John W. and yellow fr Mrs Glenny.

Sun Nov 24th.
Lots to do of course Place felt cold but Anna made ni
little fire and I had a perfect break by it thanks to her.  Flew atvplac and got it better soon. Love to have flowers. Called up J.W and thanked . and arranged to have him come this aft and walk. S1 called up surprise. Could not tel me much then but arranged to have him in eve.  A.P.A went home Friday eve very tired. THIS much.  To didn with th