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the G's and back to rest a little and get ready for J.W. So dear to have him tho too......We went out and down to the old Martin wher we had tea and goos talk and walked back It was nearly seven and he would not come in Wanted me to dine with him. I to G's where soon ca e R. and wf . Very gay at atb table. I left immediately after for Sl who came at 8. Is at Andrew Jones. Rather cool and oont see wh I told all and heard wht he had to say . Said A told him he had not seen the Warners. went Fri eve and h saw of . and stayed here himself Guess A had not en couraged his going with Did not go to V at aoll Had been in Phils at the F Harrises and had not seen or called up Miss Sink. Was g ng to J. Thomases and would not stay long shallnot see for long.
Dunne called up just after I got in with J.W. and begged me to dine there.