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Sun Dec 15th. Was waked at 8.30 by telephone. A.P.A and asking to come down was en ro te fr Washand leaving in te ten train...... Hurriedly got into some clothes had a littlecoffee and he came at 9.... Ful of warmth and very dear. Wanting to tell all about it . Had been seein all the imprtant people. and HJ.H is up again . Lunch in B seing Mr Birck head. Keyser and a man named Grasty . It seems as as if it might be. after a ll. Said standing by fire . This is your affair you know".. I have told no one else yet." Went offin taxi ..We.. . I could not do much after .Lovely day and did some teling. and some at desk . Ros went to walk with me before lunch and long rest after. Was not dress Mr and Mrs Peterson . Then Joanna and D M; Iver. .. Sonn had to dress to go then and was very miserable with cold coming on and HATED to go . Did howeve in 6.34. Anne sent the carriage and waas so dear and welco[[?]]ing. Went to bed at once in my nice room but did not sleep well. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Monday . Dec 16th. Was caled at seven and got off in 8.32. train to Boston . Not bad trip down as I had good bok to read. Lovely day and took car to Corcoran. Found Leila Mechlin expectingand Arthur Hoeber in the office with Mr M'cGuire and Mr Minneger ode both very welcoming. Met Gari Melchers soon after but did not know at first he had helped to so foolish y bestow the prizes. My two things Mr Payne and Miss Vaughan looked well an I was quite proud of he though P looked smaller and not so luminous as it is. They do not favor me much on the juries. Leile and I went aboutcand A H H joined us . Very amusing. A fine show on the whole . After spent a half h u trying to get the Bi ckheads on the tel Finally Mrs . Mr in New York so I gave up stopping there on way back. Lunch with L.M and took four train home to Phil. Cab to I914 and found C Lewis there VERY tired