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in the garden.  She looks and speaks as if she were Irish and I took an immediate liking to her.  Without exaggeration she has the most beautiful blue eyes I have seen in Jamaica - in fact almost anywhere.
  Mr. Morrison arrived late, and now that I look back on it, it seems I recall meeting him at the Edwards' cocktail party.  He is a native born Jamaican - and how he can "pan" the English!  He talks of being a "Colonial", and the same breath says "the English are without doubt the rudest people on the face of the earth".  He says they can't hold a candle to the American tourist when it comes to being rude - refreshing thought!  He is a solicitor (lawyer) and as a result has a marvelous grasp of world affairs.  When we were alone a few minutes he said that Anglo-Saxons (meaning to include us two) took people at their face value without bothering about ulterior motive, but that Latins were always looking for the subtle meaning.  I can't agree with him, because I can see many subtleties in his make up, which, if he were taken at face value, would be completely hidden to me.  (I being lacking in any Latin

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heritage, - unless it can be acquired from living among so-called Latin peoples).  In 1906 he went with the first cricket team, from Jamaica, to play England.  From that and subsequent remarks I should judge him to be about 55 years old.  He was on a battleship during the war, and he recounted the encounter with the Emden (he has a high opinion of the German fleet and says he still doesn't understand why they didn't win the war).  He is conceited to the point of asking for compliments, which were not forthcoming, altho I found him most interesting.  What a perfectly marvelous character he would make for a book!  I wonder if he is quite as expansive when his wife is around.  Enough of one character!

July 20, 1935
This morning I received a telegram from Dick.  How welcome it was!  I was glad to hear that he had found collecting better - it will enhearten him.  Last Thursday when I was in town I went in to see Miss Monica Nixon of the J.A.A. and she told me that she had just forwarded some reading material to me.  As it hadn't arrived this morning I phoned to have it traced.  They say it will be out today.  All of which goes to show how slowly they do things in these hot climes.