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Speaking of heat - this morning has bee a good example of a really hot day. There has been little breeze from the sea and that certainly does make a difference.
Speaking of Thursday reminds me of seeing so many tourists in town from off one of the United Fruit Lines. Some were buying any number of foolish things, while others were stocking up on perfume and Yardley's toiletries. A box of bath salts only costs 1s 6d.
While in Nathan's I ran across a most disgusting exhibition of tourist bad manners. A woman had purchased an article for 6d and the girl who waited on her said it was 9 cents (the woman had nothing but American money). At the present rate of exchange 10 cents should have been the minimum quoted. When the floor manager brought the customer her package - as is done here - and didn't bring her [[underlined]] one cent [[/underlined]] she became infuriated and acted abominably, throwing her small package across the counter and declaring she had been cheated. The manager then brought her the cent and said that for such a small amount they would not allow her

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to leave the shop unsatisfied. She deserved to be kicked out on her ear! She must have been slightly "off" as I don't see how anyone could act that way unless they were. Unfortunately the public remembers one of such a type of American tourist twice as long as they do the hundreds who go about their business in a sane manner.
While Dick was away I went down to the Jamaica Inst. and paid it my first visit. I wish I had gone sooner as I found a great deal [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] to interest me there. The prime purpose of my visit was to buy a book called " Jamaica in 1928" (two shillings). The downstairs of the main building is the main library and reading room.  Upstairs in the same building is the West Indian Library (in which I could have spent hours, and a gallery which is used for display as well as lectures. The display was most interesting, and there are a number of very nice portraits of people who have had some influence in Jamaican history. In the cases are a number of valuable books, rare old coins and tokens, firearms, swords, and many other small pieces of historic interest.
The one piece which interested me most was a book of water color sketches of West