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Indian characters, about the year 1813.
Each sketch was practically a story in itself. One was entitled "Barbados Hucksteress and her slave." This was a picture of a lady dressed in the height of fashion of the day - a dress which [[strikethrough]] would [[/strikethrough]] looked to rival those of Empress Josephine - and trailing behind was her black slave carrying the articles of trade. The lady carried a beautiful blue parasol and her hands and arms were encased in long gloves which reached almost to the bottom of the cap sleeve. A fine lady dressed for an important occasion could not have looked more splendid.
Her trade was selling silks and laces, and other small articles of personal adornment. The ribbons, cloth & laces were thrown over the arm of the slave, while the numerous small articles were carried in a tray on the head of the slave. I can well imagine how pleased the ladies of Barbados must have been to look over the articles for sale. Imagination tells me that the slave hawked the wares as well as carried them. When I get to Barbados I shall certainly try to discover the whole story of the manner of purchase and sale.

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The building on the left of the main building, as one enters, is called the Museum, and is contains the Natural History collections. Naturally I took a look at the beetles but could find no Staphs. They had a number of Scarabs and Coccinelidae (sp?) as well as Cerambycidae (?) - I must learn how to spell these things! - as I didn't have much time I wasn't able to do much other looking around, altho I understand that they have a small collection of birds and other animals (I could hear the parrots) in the back of the building.
The book I purchased has been well worth what I paid. We have gathered a great deal of extra information from it and at the same time it has served to refresh my memory on many small points.
One Sunday I went for a walk with Jessie and Marie. In the course of our ramblings we passed alongside the Jewish cemetary and in looking in we saw a Mrs. Stevens and her mother, in looking at a grave. We went in and stood and talked quite a while with the two ladies. Mrs. S. is a great talker. In the course of her conversation she mentioned going to the synagogue and then later did quite a bit of talking about