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and one really feels one is in the tropics. 

It seems a shame to "finish" Jamaica here, but still may come back to it later. 

What I want to do is tell of my last glimpse of that Island. Our ship "Pastores" of Columbian line left Kingston the evening of July 30 and the following morning early saw us in Port Antonio. We had gone there to pick up bananas and I was awakened early that morning by the shouts of the men loading the fruit. Most of the actual carrying is done by women, while there seems to be a "straw-boss" who does all the shouting and hustling of the loaders.

The bay of Port Antonio is one of the prettiest places I have ever seen. Reefs extend across that portion which is not blocked by a verdant tropical isle. The channel thru which the ships pass is so narrow that one can see the reefs on either side, yet the bay itself is large enough for a ship to turn around in. For some unaccountable reason we did not take a picture of all this beauty - a mistake I'm sure I shall regret.

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[[insert of hand-drawn flower, with one petal floating above]]