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Some people of note whom Mr Barnes has had stay here are Mrs F.D. Roosevelt, Joan Lowell, Neil Swanson, "Voodoo" Seabrooke, and Richard Halliburton (authors predominate)
In my walks about town I hate that some days I'm disturbed with the dirt and poverty I see.  On other days I'm quite nonchalant.  One day I saw a mother and two children drinking out of the gutter.  Another day I beheld two old crones seated on the sidewalk near the Champ de Mars and whenever a person came within hearing distance they would set up a wailing for money.  However they were both most polite, beginning their supplications with, "Bon Jour."
On my birthday I had a taste of Haitian humor - or shall I say conception of morality - or propriety.  Whatever it is, here is the tale.  I had come from the dentist in the afternoon and being warm I had taken off my dress and shoes and stockings.  I admit that after

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this removal I had little enough on, but I have seen people on the streets with less clothing.  The windows in the room were open and I was standing with my back to the light, holding a mirror and inspecting my tooth,  During this proceedure I heard some children yelling, laughing, and making a great to do, but it didn't enter my conscience that I was the cause of the merriment - I was far too interested in my tooth.  Finally after I had given it ^[[insertion]] (the tooth) [[/insertion]] a good survey, I happened to turn around to see the cause of the commotion behind me.  What should I behold but about 15 children of all ages, mostly girls, but a few boys, all vastly interested in my person.  My amazement and consternation caused a howl of laughter, which even I smiled at, but I nevertheless beat a retreat.  I still cannot see why they were so interested when they see the same thing or worse practically every day.  Color must