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When he was about 10 his mother & father died within a few days of each other - during the influenza epidemic - and he traces many of his complexes to the difficulties he encountered from then on.  His greatest battle is won as he realizes that he has had complexes, and for all their criticism, not one of the roudy, boisterous, drunken Americans could compare with him in genuine savoir faire.  He will go far, when many of them are still earning $75 a month, and trying to make up their defficits by gambling or marrying rich women.
Gossip has it that not a few of the marriages were contracted in much the same way as "sailor pick-ups."  Certain young men make it a practice to meet the tourist boats and after looking over the prospects they pick themselves a "flower."  Many times it is just for the day, but in some cases it has resulted in the young ladies missing their boat and having to stay over.  Sometimes it is

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just a lark but in one or two cases the lark has gone on and on.  In some of the cases, where the young ladies concerned had money, a marriage is a very desireable alliance for the young men.  In other cases it is nothing more than a summer's flirtation.  In one outstanding case in the colony a very nice young man met a not so nice young woman and for once the tables were turned - she practically forced him to marry her.  Had he had the experience and nastiness of the usual "boat meeter" he would have left the lady flat.  However, he was a gentleman.  I believe that she would in time tame down, if given the chance, and now that they are going to California, and away from the stigma surrounding them, I believe she will loose much of her crudeness.
To me the above case is not nearly as bad as where one of the outworn reprobates marries a sweet young thing.  Not to say that many "s.y.T's"