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Columbus Ohio - she was not with him - so I rather take that to mean that she is American. He writes short stories for Spanish magazines and Capt H. called him "Belasco Ibanez II"

Mr O'Grady is the type of man I admire at first glance. Tall, tidy, blue eyes, and a pleasant face altho' not an Adonis. He is well educated, as his conversation discloses, and he has done enough travelling to have an air of knowing how to do things. He had been with the Marines until they left Haiti, but he's now retired. He had been spending his vacation with friends in Port-au-Prince. What his present occupation is, I do not know as he was not one to talk much about himself. 

The accommodations on the Lykes Line were ok as far as cabin was concerned but the food was a little heavy for one with a squeemish stomach. My tooth was still giving me some pain, and I didnt feel very well in other ways, so food meant little to me. The feather pillows were most annoying as they gave me

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[[double underlined]] Dominican Republic [[/double underlined]]

an awful fit of sneezing. 

Sunday the 15th I was up bright and early as we were to dock around seven. Our ship was small enough to go up the Ozama river and dock right at the pier. As [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] we came up the river I saw Dick waiting on the pier for me. After what seemed ages, Dick, Mr Feeley (the customs inspector) and the immigration officials came aboard. We had no difficulty in landing and our baggage wasn't even opened. The only thrill of the morning was watching my trunk go over the side of the boat - and expecting it to land in the water any minute. It was plenty "heart throb" to be with Dick again and I got so excited that I lost most of my appetite.

We took a car up to Mme Lenior's and on the way up I was impressed to see that Santo Domingo has quite a nice business district. We arrived at the Mme's in time for breakfast which consisted of "how do you want your eggs". 

Dick showed me the room which