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[[preprinted]] 62 [[/preprinted]] in the evening she took occasion to remark about married women who acquire gentlemen friends in the absence of their husbands. This sounds more catty than I took it to be, as in spite of her "chasing" I rather like her. [[margin]] Oct 5, 1935 [[/margin]] This morning I went to town, and as it was Saturday, a great many women were in town shopping. I saw a great many of the old fashioned Spanish type of elderly lady. One went down on the bus with me. She was dressed in a white starched, eyelet, two pieced dress. She must have had at least two starched petticoats under the skirt. She didnt wear a hat, but over her carefully combed hair was a black mantilla, held in place with a pretty comb. Dick returned late in the afternoon from Mayaguez. We went over to the club for dinner but he didnt get to meet either Mr Owrey or Mr Fife. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 63 [[/preprinted]] [[margin]] Oct 6, 35 [[/margin]] Sunday as usual is a rather lazy day, and I slept a great deal of the time. In the afternoon we went for another excursion along the beach. Just as we were starting out Mr Tugwell passed us in his new Studebaker car, and then he stopped and picked us up. He took us as far as the Country Club and there we got out and began to walk down the beach towards the Condado hotel. Our collecting wasn't as good this day. However, Dick did find some scarabs in the sand as deep as 6 in down. [[margin]] Oct 8, 1935 [[/margin]] Dick was gone most of the day to-day. That gum around the wisdom tooth is acting up a little. I packed it with a Zonite pack and it is much better. [[margin]] Oct 10th [[/margin]] Apart from this being Dorothy V's birthday, I can think of little to say about it. [[margin]] 9 [[/margin]] I forgot to say that yesterday afternoon Dick and I went to town together. We went to the P.O. where we got some mail. The [[end page]]