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posted bed, which is lacking in springs, so the mattress is put on a couple of planks slung across the bed. We have quite a bit of furniture, all of it very old fashioned. Three good old standbys are present, wash bowl & jug, slop pail, and chamber. Across, or rather, along one wall is another bed 3/4 size and it boasts a mosquito netting.

Across the front of our room is a nice veranda, on which we eat our meals. The meals which we have had have been pretty good, altho' rather heavy.

This afternoon we went down to inquire about the American Caribbean line only to discover that one boat of theirs left this morning, and there wont be another for two weeks. This will mean a slight in our plans.

We have wonderful view from our room and veranda. We can see all the harbor, which is supposed to be the crater of an extinct volcano, and to the [[strikethrough]] east [[/strikethrough]] west we

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can see the houses rising one above the other, built on the steep hills which come down to the water front. To the south, looking out the harbor gateway, one can see St Croix.

[[left margin]] Saturday Oct 19, '35 [[/left margin]]

There are only certain things I mind more than others, and one of them is the sanitary facilities of the 1829. It's been a long time since I used a back house - especially one using the dry earth method. Dr Taylor, in his writings, seems to consider this as having superior sanitary advantages, but in his day they very likely did not have the new Montgomery Ward odorless type. Chick Sale might have been a specialist but it we have to undergo many more places like that, I'll be qualified for Research Associate. Add to all the previous mentioned disadvantages, the presence of a couple of tarantula looking spiders, and you have a complete picture. What fun to have to chase a tarantula off the seat or toilet paper, before one can use the sanitary facilities!