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twice a day. Once by auto truck, in the morning, and a smaller cleaning by cart in the afternoon. Try as they might the town fails to give one the impression of cleanliness.
Once again we ran across some very hot weather, altho' the night was cool enough for sleeping. The town seems closed up tight by 9 o'clock and by 10 everyone should be in bed. They rise early -- by being awakened at 6 o'clock by the maid who brings a cup of coffee and some bread -- French style, and if they like they have a little more breakfast later. We went down at 8 for our breakfast of hot milk and coffee with bread.
[[margin]] Oct 25, 1935 [[/margin]]
Most of the morning was spent making arrangements to go to Basse-Terre. Dick went to get his license in Point-a-Pitre but was told that he'd have to get it when he got to Basse Terre. At 2:30 we got into the little Citroen which we had rented --- this time with chauffeur, as Dick didn't have his license --- and started on our way to Basse-Terre.

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This day I was really called upon to use my French, as the chauffeur didnt speak anything but. Also we arrived a little late in Basse-Terre, for license getting. At the Treasury, where we had to pay 100 fr 1 sou, the gentleman in charge of those payments had already closed his office, but as he was there he very obligingly opened up for us. Everywhere they were most polite and helpful. Then we went to the office of the Chief of the 2nd Bureau. Here M. Zerbib helped Dick a little as he spoke some [[strikethrough]] French [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] English [[/insertion]]. The most amazing part of the afternoon was when Dick took the driving test, without ever having driven that kind of car before. As luck would have it he pulled the right gadgets and we were off in great style. After a little more testing we were told to [[strikethrough]] coml [[/strikethrough]] come back in the morning and all would be ready.
Our next problem was what to do with the boy chauffeur as [[strikethrough]] o [[/strikethrough]] he had been told to stay with us until we got the license. Finally we decided to take him up the hill to Matauba with us.