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a flat tire, which Dick changed in no time at all.
Lamentin, one of the towns we passed, has a square of new buildings which is quite nice looking. A new cathedral and "Mairie", as well as a school house, are built around a central park. It is a very nice unit. I [[strikethrough]] p [[/strikethrough]] had Dick take a picture of one of the buildings.
On the way home we went to Point-a-Pitre, where we had our tire fixed, and got some things out of the trunk. We also went to see the Br. Consul and the Furness Agent - the latter about mail ^[[insertion]] none. [[/insertion]]  Paul Dormoy.

[[margin]] Thursday October 31 [[/margin]]  Nothing much to-day.  Did a little collecting up the trail to the east of us.

[[margin]] Friday Nov 1, 1935 [[/margin]] 
It rained most of the day at a pretty steady rate.  In the morning the man who rented us the car, brought his Ford up for us to use - he was going to do this a week ago.
In the afternoon we went to town where we were going to do some shopping for groceries, but we found everything closed because of holiday.

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We had a rotten lunch, and it so annoyed us that we were going to get some groceries of our own.  However, dinner was a decided improvement, [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] since [[/insertion]] the other couple [[strikethrough]] were [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] was [[/insertion]] there [[strikethrough]] to eat [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] also [[/insertion]].  Also we had cheese, which had been requested for the earliest possible date.  We have had very good Roquefort and Gruyere - what there was of it.
We stopped at the Post Office and bought a nice bunch of stamps for my collection.  At times like this I wish I were more wealthy.

[[margin]] Saturday Nov 2, 1935 [[/margin]]  In the morning we went for a little walk down the cobblestone road.  Dick did some fairly successful collecting.  In the afternoon we were all ready to start on our hike up Soufrière when we discovered that the starter on the car wouldnt work.  Dont know whether it is starter or battery.  However, after getting 3 men, besides Dick to push, [[strikethrough]] and my [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] with me [[/insertion]] stearing, we got it up the hill enough to start it, and off we went.  When we arrived at what seemed the logical place we parked the car and started walking along