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with a battery - no soap.  Then we went to a man who charges batteries, in St. Claude, and he didnt even have one to rent us, so we came home without it.  To add to the general mess the grease from the gear shift is welling up around the ball and flowing over the front floor.  What a car!  It would have been better had we not traded the other car.

While in town we also bought a few groceries to help us fill ourselves on the frequent occasions when we dont have enough here.  I had occasion to go into a grocery store "epicier" and noted that their chief stock in trade is wines and cans of fish.  The only canned fruit available - and this in the largest place in Basse-Terre - was a gallon sized can of Sunbeam mixed fruits for salad. Therefore, I had to be satisfied with a can of Guava jelly, swiss chocolat (3.5 a bar or nearly 20 cents), some cheese, cookies made in France, and some canned milk, Nestlé.

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I also went to the P.O. in Basse-Terre and discovered that they had changed the Pan-American schedule again.  Air mail leaves here Monday & arrives Friday from the U.S.  Most of the P.O. employees are women and some are plenty dumb.  One gentleman had a hard time convincing one of the post mistresses that just because a letter was sealed with wax, it was no sign that it was an official letter.
Dick has invented a game of cards called "Crummy Rummy".

[[margin]] Tues Nov 5th [[/margin]]  
This was one of the famous rainy days.  the only thing different on the horizon is the new waiter - he was at the Antilles in Pointe-a-Pitre. - service is improved but I wonder about the food.

[[margin]] Wed Nov 6. [[/margin]] 
Dick went out in the morning to collect, and I stayed home to wash my hair and do some other odds and ends.  Net result of the hair wash, I now wear said cheveux à la Alice in Wonderland.
In the afternoon we braved the wilds of the ford V.8. and went