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many people having come in town to take the boat to France to-morrow.
There was one lady who specially amused me at dinner.  She was a woman about 35 with her hair done back with a ribbon.  At dinner she pulled a chair up close to her own, and her little heinz pooch jumped up on it and sat beside her.
No matter where we go except on board ship, we always seem to have an animal or two hanging around the table.  At the Auberge there were several dogs.  Gin-the dog belonging to the management.  "Gin's wife" as Meme upstairs called her.  And best of all a little ratty puppy with the cutest face and actions.  He looked just like a little bat, and it was most amusing to watch him dance around trying to get Dick's attention.  Then when Dick does play with him the little animal almost turns himself inside out.  He is the daintiest eater I've ever seen-for a dog.
Here at the hotel Dick has a little kitten-which I usually feed!

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Sunday Nov 10, 1935  not such an eventful day, except for two pretty good earthquake shocks.  The first was most severe and lasted about 1/2 second.  That night there were 3 other shocks.  One strong enough to wake me up, one about 15 minutes later, and the other so slight that I thought it imagination.
In the late afternoon we moved up to the second floor, but we still do not have the room we expect to have later.
We got some mail, which was very welcome.  I was quite relieved to hear  that Mother was better-I had been a little worried.
Mon, Nov 11, 1935  Today was Armistice Day-and a holiday-yet in spite of all the celebration I would not have realized that is was also celebrated in the U.S.  We are getting so used to the numerous holidays here that another means little or nothing.
It certainly is nice to be some place where we get good food.  The wine is excellent too, altho' I do the drinking for the family.  For breakfast we have chocolate (real good) instead

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