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also advertises that he cuts the waves in hair - or removes kink. His shop is fitted out with all kinds of fancy bottles of lotions. I bet his customers smell like concentrated garden odor when they get out.

To-day upon closer observation I notice that the panier effect on the costumes is made in a very simple manner. The skirt is very full and a part of it about 1/3 of the way down is tucked into the belt thus causing it to fall in an uneven hemline and showing off the petticoat. If this is done on each side it makes a panier effect.

[[margin]] Thurs. Nov 14, 1935 [[/margin]]
This morning we rented a Citroen from the garage downstairs and set out for a days ride around Grande Terre. The people in the country do not seem nearly as friendly as the ones on Bass-Terre. It is rare to have them say "bon jour" first. On the other hand, they are more curious than the people of Basse-Terre were - for all their friendliness. We were successful in getting a number of collecting

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stations, and we took several pictures which should prove interesting. One of a new cathedral and a shrine etc.

While sitting in the car waiting for Dick to do some collecting I noticed that even he was not without a picturesque costume. Big boots, tipped with red from his wool socks, kaki (?) pants, tucked into the boots, a blue shirt, which nearly matches the sky, and topping it all a white helmet. For all the combination he isn't such a bad looking specimen.

Our trip was otherwise uneventful and we arrived back at the hotel at 2:30.

Strange to say we have heard nothing from the man who rented us the other car, altho' we have offered to pay him. Can it be he is not interested in monetary gain? I can hardly believe it since last night his brother came to us greatly perturbed to find out if we had paid the man from the Citroen garage. It seems they had been accusing each other of receiving the money, but I think we straightened the matter for him