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[[preprinted]] 118 [[/preprinted]]

[[double underlined]] Things I've forgotten to write about [[/underlined]]

[[place names in left margin]]

Haiti         Preference for dried fish. 
Sto Domingo   Two wheeled carts; people at 
" [[ditto for: Sto Domingo]] Seniors
              - Lewis', Evertson, Owens,
" [[ditto for: Sto Domingo]] Summers
              (of G.E.) Jones
" [[ditto for: Sto Domingo]] Meeting Pulliam
              as we were sailing 
Haiti         "Hayti or the Black Republic,
" [[ditto for: Haiti]] by Sir Spencer
              St. John.
" [[ditto for: Haiti]] "Rebel Destiny" 
" [[ditto for: Haiti]] Herskovitz (knows a
              great deal bout (Voodoo)  
" [[ditto for: Haiti]] "White King of La
Sto Domingo   Mme's remark about the negro
              chauffeur sitting while I 
" [[ditto for: Sto Domingo]] stood and 
              talked to him
Haiti         Orange & Onion Salad - Mr 
              Barnes' idea
St [[strikethrough]] Lucia [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Vincent [[/insertion]] Mr McLeod (sp?) bandage on 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 119 [[/preprinted]]

University of Puerto Rico 50
Valle, Mr. 41, 43
Virgin Islands 14, 36, 71-80
Volcano 72, 91
Voodoo 26, 27
"Voodoo Fire" 26
Walking-Sticks 97
Webb, Guy 37
Willis, Mrs. 108
Wolcott, Mr. 52
Woolley, Mr. 1
Wyss, Esther 5, 7
Zerbib, M. 85