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in the West Indies to say that. The little man at the Quincallerie ^[[insertion]] in Guadeloupe [[/insertion]] also made the same remark. 
A sign in our "lavatory" reads. "Do not throw chemicals in the Sceptic Tank".

[[underlined]] Saturday January 25, 1936 [[/underlined]]
I was in the library most of the day Taking notes on the old newspapers & magazines they have there. Dick came over at tea time & called me. 
I went back again in the evening to borrow a book to read over the week-end. "Four Frightened People" by E. Arnot Robertson.

[[underlined]] Sunday January 26, 1936 [[/underlined]] 
I read most of the day. Dick went to take Antoine in the morning. A boat called the Sonia - the largest I've seen in the harbor - came up to the wharf in the afternoon.

[[underlined]] Monday January 27, 1936 [[/underlined]] 
In the morning I wrote a few letters. Then I went to the library. Borrowed "The Postman always Rings Twice" by James M. Cain. I was warned that it was a very wicked book and I believe that a certain person was trying to save my morals or moral sense from total destruction. As far 

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as I can see it is just a very plain spoken book - not any more immoral than many others written at present.
- [[underlined]] Saturday [[/underlined]] (insert)
Having forgotten to tell of the walk I took this day, I shall have to do so now. In the morning I took a walk up past Government House. The view from the hills in back of St George's is beautiful. I saw several nice [[strikethrough]] r [[/strikethrough]] places to take a picture but as I didn't have a camera I couldn't have the ones I would have liked. To describe a view such as this is an impossibility. 
The little houses along the road all have nice flower gardens. I was gone most of the morning, but it was most enjoyable.

[[underlined]] Tuesday, January 28, 1936 [[/underlined]]
Dick & I worked on stamps most of the day. We have been buying small lots of miscellaneous stamps and they had to be sorted, washed, etc. 
It was a holiday in Grenada as it was the day of the king's funeral. Many people went to the services held in the churches, but I didnt go as it was going to be too crowded. I heard most of the service over the radio.