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[[stamped]] B & PNo 13535 [[/stamped]]

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Notes Taken in the [[underlined]] Grenada [[/underlined]] Public Library

[[underlined]] Blackwoods [[/underlined]] Edinburgh [[underlined]] Magazine [[/underlined]]
Vol VI 1819-1820 (October to March)

October 1819
Essays on the Lake School of Poetry No III Coleridge
New Publications
Daniel Defoe's History of the great plague in the year 1665 --- 8 vo 10s 6d

November 1819
New Publications
The 3rd vol of Messers Kirby and Spence's Entomology is in considerable forwardness

Observations on Yellow fever in the West Indies by R. Dickenson 8s

The Emigrant's directory to the Western states of North America
by W. Amphlett 8vo 6s

Don Juan --- Canto I II 9s 6d
Don Juan --- Canto III 3s 6d

December 1819
Review of "Ivanhoe" Constable Co 1820
Works Preparing for Publication
Prometheus, A Poem, by Percy Bysche Shelley
Works of Rt. Hon. Richard B. Sheridan now first collected and edited by Thomas Moore

New Publications
History of Brazil by Robert Southey

[[underlined]] Natural History [[/underlined]] --- Report of the Linnaean society of New England relative to a Large Marine animal, or Sea-Serpent, 200 ft long, seen near Cape Anne, and in other parts of the American Seas, with a plate 4s.

Under Births
A poor woman, the wife of a labouring man named Scully residing near Bantry, was delivered of 4 children, 3 sons and a daughter, who are likely to live and do well.