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February 1820
On the writings of Charles Brochden Brown, and Washington Irving. 
"He (Washington Irving) is the sole author of the Sketch Book --- a periodical work no[[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] ^[[w]] in the course of publication at New York."

A eulogy on the late king George III

New Publications
Dialogs in Entomology in which the forms and habits of Insects are familiarly explained. 
25 Engravings ---- 12s

Other volumes of Blackwood's
Vol 52 1842-1843 October to March
Vol 72 to 98 complete July 1852 to December 1865
Vol 51 1842
Vol 64 July to December 1848
Published by William Blackwood and Sons

[[underlined]] Cornhill Magazine [[/underlined]]
Vol I January to June 1860
Vol XII (12) July to December 1865
Contains actual articles and poems. 

[[underlined]] Annual Biography [[/underlined]] and Obituary
Vol I 1815-1816
Memoirs of celebrated men who died in 1815-1816
[[underlined]] to [[/underlined]]
Vol XXI (21) 1835-1836
Different binding and make up in 1842

[[underlined]] Fraser's Magazine [[/underlined]] for town and country
Vol LIX 1859 January to June
Vol LXII 1860 July to December

[[underlined]] Quarterly Review [[/underlined]]
1845 only volume
Published b John Murray

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[[underlined]] British Quarterly Review [[/underlined]]
Vol XVI August-November 1852
Vol XLII July to October 1865
Discussion of arts and letters
Review of Poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Poems 5th Edition 1862
Aurora Leigh 1859
Last Poems 2nd edition 1862

[[underlined]] Grenada Newspapers [[/underlined]]
The St. George's Chronicle and Grenada Gazette 1815 No. 764 Wednesday January 4 1815
^[[started in 1784]]
Editorial on the Burning of Washington
Letter dated November 23, 1814 predicts the dissolution of the Union as a result of the War of 1812
Port of Spain January 18, 1815
"Yesterday the sloop Esperance arrived here from Martinique. She left at St. Pierre an American privateer put there to refit, and another Republican privateer cruising off that port. This is a business which cannot fail to attract the early attention of our gallant Admiral on this station; who, we have no doubt, will dispose of this nuisance in its infancy."
1820; 1821; 1822; 1825 Pub. Wednesday and Saturday 
Grenada Free Press and [[circled]] Public [[/circled]] Gazette ^[[Weekley]] [[line from "Weekley" to "Public"]]
Vol I NO1 September 7 1826
Grenada Free Press and ^[[Public]] Gazette in 1828
Vol II 1828
Vol III 1829
Vol V 1831
Vol VI 1832
This has part of Tom Cringle's Log
Follow 1833; 1834; 1835; 1836; 1837; 1839; 1840; 1841; 1842 (last issued)
St. George's Chronicle and Grenada Gazette
Issued Saturdays
1843; 1845; 1846; 1847
1853 January 7, begins to be issued on Fridays
1856 Issued Saturday
1856; 1857; 1858; 1859; 1860; 1862; 1863; 1864 1865; 1867; 1868; 1869; 1870; 1871; 1872; 1873 1874; 1875; 1877; 1878; 1879; 1880; 1881; 1882 break '89; '90; '91; '93; '94; '95; '96; '97