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Antigua #10

Most of the afternoon we spent doing stamps. As usual all the boys here have an exaggerated idea of the worth of their stamps, but they eventually take what we offer. 

[[margin]] Tues. Aug 4 [[/margin]]
I had to go to the dress maker this morning. I took her the style book with the dresses I had picked out. She then told me to get the material etc, and she would cut them out and have them ready for a fitting next Tuesday. One dress is a simple afternoon one, and the other is a skirt to which I hope to add a blouse. Yesterday when I was at the Pan American office, ^ [[insertion]] I weighed myself [[/insertion]] and to my dismay I weigh 123 lbs. 
I forgot to mention that on Sunday, we had a new boarder -- Mr Frost from the wireless station. He is a 'Badian, and his accent is pretty broad, but he seems to be a nice young fellow. He came here from Avon Dasset -- the Sheppard's place -- as he wanted to be sure to get a room while the getting was good. Mrs Sheppard is still very ill. 
Some time during this past week I met Miss Wynn and a Miss Irena Goodwin. Miss Wynn's nickname is Muvvie or Muggie or something of the sort. She is quite a c[[strikethrough]] h [[/strikethrough]]rony of Addie's but I dont go for her. She acts too

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languid at times, when in reality she is anything but. 
To go back to my dress making. The material I picked out the other day was pretty but there wasn't enough of it, so I had to pick out something else. After going into practically every shop in town, I was pretty tired. 
After lunch, I walked up to the gov't printing office with Dick. We got caught in the rain coming home. 
We had barely finished tea when Mr & Mrs Petre-Hay called for us to take us swimming. We went out to the fort and had a nice swim, and then came into town and went to their house. They have a nice place with garden. The zinias are simply beautiful. She also has a vine of very fine pink bougainvillea. They have a cat called Max Schmelling. Their children are away in school. The girl is 17 and I should judge the boy to be about 15. (Short snappy sentences) Mr Petre-Hay has some very English ideas while she is much more modern. In spite of his being Manager of ^ [[insertion]] one of [[/insertion]] the most advanced commercial enterprises in the Leeward Islands (if not the

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