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[[preprinted]] 26 [[/preprinted]] Antigua #16 serious. Dick had a slight headache after tea. [[margin]] [[strikethrough]] Thurs [[/strikethrough]] Aug 12 [[/margin]] Dick wasnt feeling well to-day and as he had a slight fever he [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] stayed in bed. He also had a headache. Last night he awoke in the night with a chill and he awakened me when he started to pull the blanket, at the foot of the bed, over himself. Most of the morning was taken up with doing odds & ends and about 12 o'clock Mrs Duncan called us on the phone to inquire if we would play bridge with her at the club that afternoon. About 15 of 5 we went up and met Mrs Duncan, who is manager of the Self Help, and Miss Marjorie Branch. We had a good game and got home just in time for dinner at 7:30. Addie went home before us. When I got home Dick wasnt feeling so very well and his fever was a little above 101 [[degree symbol]]. He ate very little supper. However, he slept soundly all night long, altho' he talked to me in his sleep & got me up to give him an alcohol rub, and when I got back to bed to rub him I saw that he was sound asleep. [[margin]] Thurs. [[strikethrough]] Wed [[/strikethrough]] Aug 13 [[/margin]] Dick was feeling better and he had no temperature. He ate a good breakfast, [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 27 [[/preprinted]] [[margin]] August 11th. [[/margin]] Mr Frost was up and about, but Dick wasnt feeling very well. He complained [[rest of paragraph bracketed and arrow drawn pointing to second line of previous page]] of headache but he stayed up and about. The day was mostly wasted as far as I'm concerned. Dick wrote a few cards -- maybe a lot for all I know. [[horizontal dashed line indicating end of bracketed area]] and about the middle of the morning he decided to get up. As he didn't have any temperature I said o.k. altho' I really didnt think much of the idea. I went to the dressmakers to have my second fitting and found a few faults which I hope to have rectified. From there I walked down to Bennett Brysons to get some sweetened condensed milk for Dick to use with coco malt as he had been complaining of the taste of the boiled milk. I discovered, later on in the day, that half of the unpleasant odor in the shaker was caused by unsatisfactory washing and no scalding. Hence I shall have to scald out the shaker myself every day. These people have no idea of the value of a little hot water. Just before supper I went to talk to Miss Rey as Mrs Mason was out. Miss Rey must get frightfully bored with doing [[end page]]