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Antigua 42

us in his car. 
[[margin]] Sept 13 Sun. [[/margin]]
Ted's birthday but just another Sunday for me. Stayed home in morning doing odd & ends, also trying to finish the hankie which I am making. I intend to make Dorothy one for her birthday if I ever get around to it. 
In the afternoon we played clock golf. I won with a score of 34. The "sporting" hole with the pipe is what set everyone back and got me ahead. Bridge in the evening. 
[[margin]] Sept 14 Mon. [[/margin]]
Dean Hand was here again this morning. He comes about once in two weeks to perform a little service & administer the sacraments to Juliette. 
I went to town in the morning and when I got home Celia Jarvis was here, also Mrs Lake, so they suggested a game of bridge. We played until lunch time. After lunch Dick, Addie, & I worked on a jigsaw puzzle until tea time. It was a very hot day again and Juliette seemed to be in a great deal of pain. 
After tea we played clock golf - the 3 of us - and I left Dick & Addie after the first game so that I could come in for my ^[[insertion]] bath [[/insertion]]. 

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[[margin]] Sept 15 Tues. [[/margin]]
An uneventful day. We played golf and our first game of Mah Jong. It is nice to play Mah Jong as that is one game Juliette can play with us. 
[[margin]] Sept 16 Wed. [[/margin]]
We played Mah Jong in the morning. After lunch I made open face sandwiches. They were quite a "take". We had them with cocktails when we were playing bridge. I invited Mrs Duncan and Mrs Langley. We had a most interesting game. In the evening, more Mah Jong. 
[[margin]] Sept 17 Thurs. [[/margin]]
Went to town to take back the candy I bought yesterday. It was wormy and had beetles & cockroaches in it. 
We got mail - and very welcome it was too. No second class mail. 
In the afternoon Mrs Mason & I went over to the girls H.S. to see the collection of shells made by Miss May Branch's mother & father. She and her sister Miss Millie are teachers. We had ^ [[insertion]] a [[/insertion]] most enjoyable afternoon looking at the shells and just as we were ready to start for home a thunder storm came up, so we had to go upstairs and wait for it to abate. While upstairs Miss May told me about her trip to California in 1934 to see her brother Gerald Branch who is