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St Kitts #16

some mending. The afternoon was spent reading & resting. "Merry Widow" in Evening.
[[margin]] Tues Oct 13. [[/margin]]
I sat in the sun & read most of the morning. In the afternoon it rained very hard so Dick read "Murder Must Advertise" to me.
In the evening Mrs Mac Donald had 2 tables of bridge. One specially for me composed of Miss Burt, Mrs King, Saucy Williams & myself. It was a very pleasant evening, altho' a little chilly. We had most delicious refreshments and Mrs Mac took some in to Dick. The "angels" were fit for kings - they simply melted in my mouth.
[[margin]] Wed. Oct 14. [[/margin]]
As this was the clearest day we've had in a long time, we started out for Brimstone Hill. We got there in no time at all, signed the visitors book, and paid 6d apiece. Then up the hill we went to the citadel. The fort itself is in excellent repair and a wonderful view can be had from there. We took a whole roll of films and the pictures should be good. We were pretty tired when we got home. 
However, after an afternoon of 
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rest I felt quite fit for a game of tennis at 4:45. To-day was make-up day. That is, only certain people who have agreed to play together can play on the courts. I played with Miss Burt (not the librarian ) Miss Simmons (Mrs Delanbanque's sister) and Miss Goodall. I had a much lighter racket to day and my game was much improved as I won all 3 sets.
Miss Burt's brother looks all the world like "Mr Muskrat" whom we met at Miss Huggin's in Trinidad. The only thing is, I'd say he is a little younger - what an affliction to look like that!
After dinner Dick played bridge with us - Miss Glegg, Miss Goodall & me.
[[margin]] Thurs. Oct 15. [[/margin]] I had a side pain today, as well as a little indigestion. I suppose it is overindulgence in the perfectly heavenly cakes etc which Mrs Mac serves us in the evenings. I rested most of the day.
I was going to the Girl Guide fete & bazaar but I didnt feel quite up to it so Dick made my excuses to Miss Goodall.
One of the hotel cats - the name 
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